2024 Region IV Honors and Awards Recipients
The 2024 Awards Committee is proud to announce the following award winners for 2024:
Travel Awards
Regional Travel Award
John Anderson
Augsburg University
Brock Davis
The Ohio State University
John Philipps Travel Award
Melanie Miller
The Ohio State University
National Travel Award
Hang McLaughlin
University of Minnesota

Kevin Reed Outstanding New Professional Award
Lauren Gee
University of Wisconsin - Madison

Lauren Gee, MFA, Research Administration Manager in the Department of Medicine (DOM) for the Office of Research Services at University of Wisconsin -Madison, is awarded the 2024 Kevin Reed Outstanding new professional Award. This award is for Region IV members who have demonstrated willingness to offer their abilities, time, commitment, and enthusiasm to NCURA Region IV, have been a member for no more than 5 years, and have participated as a presenter, panelist or moderator at regional and/or national NCURA meetings, in addition to serving on a regional or national committee.
Lauren was nominated for this award by Sara Seton, (Research Administration, DOM, University of Wisconsin Madison), Calleen Roper (Associate Director for Research, DOM, University of Wisconsin - Madison), and a list of thirty-eight supporting signatures and a letter of support from Amanda Gibbs at The Ohio State University. These individuals chose to recognize Lauren’s contributions to Region IV. Since joining NCURA in 2020, Lauren has become a Board Member-at-Large for Region IV and led the formation of the Region IV Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, where she continues to serve.
A few of the positive comments from these individuals are included here:
“Lauren is passionate about developing and promoting an inclusive team environment through experienced administrative management not just at NCURA, but in her everyday job too – all of which honor the spirit and intent of the Kevin Reed Outstanding New Professional Award.”
“I firmly believe that Lauren Gee is highly deserving of the Kevin Reed Outstanding New Professional Award. Her exceptional contributions, leadership qualities, and dedication to excellence make her an ideal candidate for this prestigious recognition. I am confident that her accomplishments and impact on our organization align perfectly with the criteria for this award.”
“She excels in providing outstanding service, dedication, and excellence through her numerous roles within the region.”
Congratulations, Lauren! Thank you for your contributions to Region IV, NCURA and the field of research administration!